Geegpay App Review

We’ve been seeing lots of fintech nonsense in recent years, either in terms of inconvenience, verification problems due to bugs, etc., and sometimes then they can trap your funds in the name of verifications until you give up on it. A lot of them are not worthy of app stores. Today, in this review, we have Geegpay in the center stage of scrutiny to find out if this app is legit or will equally trap our hard-earned money. Hopefully, it won’t and we’ll find out.

Geegpay is actually legit but not a perfect app. Raenest is the parent holding company. If you’ve seen their ads, you know they have made a lot of promises but sometimes they just don’t cut it, and you end up disappointed. This review is straight to the point on the major areas where Geegpay should improve.

Geegpay Review: a Legit App or Another Fintech Scam?

Geegpay App Review

Geegpay is a payment app developed with freelancers and gig workers like you in mind. This is one of the reasons they will ask for information like your LinkedIn profile as part of the verification process. Now, this is a brilliant idea but Geegpay’s imperfections sometimes leave their services questionable.

For instance, Geegpay will allow you to receive money but won’t credit your wallet until you submit some verification documents. The problem with this is that it quickly turns the ‘instant payment’ promise into a delayed payment experience since you won’t receive your funds if their team does not approve them. Now, this leads to their customer service experience. Unfortunately, their response rate is so slow that you could be waiting for about 2 days before getting a response.

The Geegpay app is also terribly slow in receiving deposits. If you deposit some money in naira today, it takes 24 hours to show up in the app. That’s not a good one. And by today’s standards, this payment experience is snail-like. So, the management could really work on that to make sure freelancers’ deposit funds show up immediately.

Geegpay also has another flawed promise in terms of foreign virtual card creation. Unfortunately, this app doesn’t support foreign currency card creation and you can’t fund your dollar account from a local bank as claimed.

One thing Geegpay does well is respond to reviews, both positive and negative. What also sets them apart here is that their responses at least try to solve problems rather than some annoying generic replies but they all seem automated. If only Geegpay can replicate its reputation of responding helpfully to customers’ reviews, perhaps it’ll solve half of the problems when contacted via the app with a Raenest tag.

The main downside of using Geegpay is transaction speed. It can be so frustrating that one would say if you want to face delays, download Geegpay. Otherwise, don’t.

How Does Geegpay Even Work?

With Geegpay, mainly, you’ll have the following experiences.

Open Global Accounts in USD, GBP & EUR

You can indeed create a bank account either in US dollars, British pounds, and euros, and receive payments from international clients and businesses. Geegpay also allows you to exchange money but their rates are generally not cheap. Consider not to keep your savings in foreign currencies on Geegpay. Instead, get a traditional dollar account in your country.

Note that sometimes you can’t even convert your naira to USD on Geegpay.

USD Virtual Cards

There are promises of being able to create a virtual card but it doesn’t work.

Create invoices and request payment

At least, you can create invoices, and get paid on Geegpay from different payment methods such as bank transfers, PayPal, Wise, cards, etc.

So, how do you get started?

  1. Download the app.
  2. Create a Geeg account either in the app or via
  3. Sign up with your personal information, including your name.
  4. Verify your email address.
  5. Complete the account verification, which will require your bank, employment, and identity verification.

That’s it.

Pros and Cons


  • Invoice automation for payments.
  • Available on Apple App Store and Google Play.
  • Supports multiple currencies.
  • It’s a global payment app for freelancers.


  • Poor and unresponsive customer service.
  • Contains some buggy experience, especially with the verification system for proof of ID and employment.
  • Has a reputation for holding funds.
  • Rampant invalid expired token problems after filling out the password section.
  • The virtual card does not work.
  • High exchange rates.
  • Too many charges.

Is Geegpay Safe at All?

So far, there are no controversies surrounding Geegpay. However, you cannot be 100% confident with your personal and bank information in the hands of a fintech. Geegpay will collect any personal information that will help them to identify you, including your phone number, date of birth, Identification (ID) card, or Passport Number, business registration details, contact information, etc. Geegpay will collect any information that can be used to identify you or your business. Well, the required information is in line with the regulatory ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC).

For Nigerians, Kenyans, and Ghanaians residing outside the United States, your personal and bank information is transferred and processed in the US.

Do you trust that Geegpay will not abuse your information? If your gut says so, then you should be confident. Again, there are no reports of Geegpay misusing customer information so far. You also have the right to withdraw consent of your data on Geegpay if you no longer want them to keep your information.

What Can Geegpay Do Better?

From many indications, it seems that the Geekpay app is not fully ready for Africans. Yes, the user interface is okay but it seems like the app was hurriedly launched without taking some time to design something with fewer bugs.

Geegpay should consider user testing in the future to help the company make better development decisions that won’t hurt user experience. And most importantly, don’t raise customers’ expectations if you can’t afford to meet them.

Geegpay may not live up to most of its promises but it’s definitely not a bad money transfer app.

Read Also: Is Grey App Worth it?

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